Wednesday 9 November 2016

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall;
Who's my favourite of them all?

Mistress, mistress oh so dear;
Might be Lily,
Oh no! She's here!

Hi readers :) That was a short poem I wrote, just to spice things up, since we're already concluding our study of the novel. Now you can guess who my favourite character is!

I thought that the bees' story where one bee was trapped by Lily in a jar is a direct interpretation of Lily herself, stuck in a growth phase where she doesn't have the freedom to develop as a teenager or as a person. However, I admired her determination (a word commonly used here) to get out of her life shack and went on a search (or an adventure, as I prefer it) for her mother's background.

One more thing, I personally looove Zach and Lily! I'm not saying they're a perfect couple, but it touched my heart when Lily admitted that she was crying a river not because she doesn't want to throw flowers or write about trees, but she was actually tearing up because she realised how much her heart flutters and breaks for Zach, the one black boy she couldn't have at the time.

Before I forget, an excerpt from T-Ray's own feelings, from his own POV would give the valuable novel an extra added value. Because to me, fathers have their own unique way of showing love and each person, having experienced different traumas might have different perceptions on how to show love to a daughter.

I'm sorry for sending in late!

*** NADYA ***

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