Sunday 30 October 2016

The Last Buzz :(

Hello there :) how was your weekendd? mine was great! good news. Now for the bad news is that this could be my last blog entry for this novel, the secret life of bees. For this last blog entry, I will give my own opinion on the book itself and also some of the things that i have learned.

Image result for the secret life of bees
So first of all, i really enjoy books that relates to history and somehow has a bit of relationship towards it but not too CHEESY (Lily & Zach) and also don't forget conflicts. I am a very picky person and doeskin like reading books but this book fulfill my needs (it got me). I have to bow down to Sue Monk Kid who did a great job at creating this novel. There are things that i don't really enjoy or i'd rather say didn't really need to be there such as the part when they made the honey and stuff about bees but then again, the author is meant to relate the bees to Lily and we get to learn stuff about bees so i don't really mind.

The thing i love about history is that the conflict between two sides such as communism & capitalism, and in this case, the blacks and the whites. I love seeing things in another perspective and compare it, for instance, how did the whites felt when they treated the blacks badly and how did the black felt when they were treated badly. Based on the novel, I learn how the blacks was treated especially to Rosaleen, and how unfair it was for the blacks. As a white girl, Lily also had a change in perspective towards the blacks. (shoutout to Lily :D) 

Throughout reading this novel, i had moments when i felt like ''Wow did that just happen?'' and ''OMG just tell her already! stop making me waitttt, i want to know the truthh tooo'' which is great. I think that we can all agree that Sue Monk Kid did a great job at making us curious and wanting to know more.

I would definitely recommend this novel to others especially to those who really love twist and turns or conflicts. I already recommend this book to a friend and he said so far so good. There you have i folks, my review on The Secret Life of Bees, i hope you take my ADVICE and READ THE BOOK! and as always peace out  - Zafry :D

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