Monday 10 October 2016

I Am Rosaleen

Well hello there everyone! We've now moved on to studying about the characters in The Secret Life Of Bees and we did something very interesting today. We had to write and recite a poem based on one of the characters that Miss Shereen gave us, and we got Rosaleen! So basically me and Ayizz wrote this poem on the point of view of Rosaleen that wanted equality among the blacks and the whites. And we thought of sharing our poem with you guys! :)

I Am Poem

I am bold and strong
I wonder when this misery will end
I hear the calling of freedom
I see people dying of fear
I want my voice to be heard

I am bold and strong
I pretend to be tough and reckless
I feel free of anxiousness
I touch the land of freedom
I worry that this will never end
I cry for the discriminated

I am bold and strong
I understand it's impossible for us to unite
I say that we are all the same
I dream we would become in sync
I try to be unique and shine brighter
I hope that this dream will come true

I am bold and strong

Hope you guys enjoyed it! Till we see again in my next entry. :)

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