Saturday 29 October 2016

Buzz Buzz Buzz

Holla! Hey guys, how's your life going? 
So yeah, every start will meet an end and this gonna be my last post on this blog and it is my reflection towards the novel the Secret Life of Bees, do enjoy reading it! 

Overall, the novel is just great. Lily is my forte. Her bravery and her maturity attracts me the most. I learnt that through life, it is yourself who decide to stay under the cave or to go out and see the sun. Do you get what I mean? It means that it is yourself to decide which path in life do you choose, either to have the negativity around you or get over it with the positivity. However, you must still have a strong belief in yourself in order to make a decision. Somehow Lily's situation is similar to mine where I was left too by my own mother and have to live with a fierce father. But nah, I survive. I know how hard it is to be in the situation where you really need the love from your mother but she isn't there for you. So for a 14 years old girl like Lily, it was such a big challenge to face it. Sue Monk Kidd really did a good job to portrays the strength of one could be even though life is being unfair. The part that I dislike and kinda hate is where there are gaps between the whites and the blacks. It is so unfair to have that stereotypical minded as we all are the same species. The skin color shouldn't be an issue.

Another best thing is that I get to know how bees lives. All this while, I've been hating that tiny little creature but the novel somehow brighten me up that these creatures are actually working hard in producing honey that gives a lot of benefits to humans. How important is the queen in the hives and purple honey do exist.

It sounds interesting, does it? So yeah I would recommend this book to others. It is good to widen your view and to motivate yourself when things goes wrong. Not forget to mention that this book would have change your perception towards so many things. So do read it!

I think that’s all from me.  Do leave your comment below.

Appreciate every single thing around you and live your life to the fullest!


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