Monday 10 October 2016

The Naive And Different

Hye guys!! I'm back. So today, I'm going to post a poem that I did with Zafry during English lesson today. So, basically, the poem are about the characters in The Secret Life Of Bees. Zafry and I were assigned to do I Am Poem on May Boatwright, who is such an innocent character. This poem is divided into three stanza - the first stanza is about her twin sister, April, the second stanza is about her sadness towards the world and her surrounding and the last stanza is about herself. Enjoy! :D

I Am May

I am naive and different
I wonder why April left me alone
I hear her dead voice all the tim
I see her by my side always
I want her to come back 

I am naive and different
I pretend everything is fine and alright
I feel the pain of the world
I touch the heart of the world
I worry thinking about this dreadful world
I cry thinking about this horrendous world

I am naive and different
I understand life is unfair
I say life should be flourished with love
I dream life is perfect
I try to be strong and positive
I hope God will guide me through

I am naive and different

*p/s : if u need any further explanation or any evidences about the poem you can just simply comment on this post. :)


  1. poor May! It must have been hard to handle someone like her in this real world
