Monday 3 October 2016

Nadya's POV on Life

Hey readers, we meet again!

I’m Nadya and now you’re tuned in to my story!

Today, I’m interested in intertwining our main character Lily’s philosophy in Chapter 1 with my own life philosophy. So, I can’t tell a story without you guys understanding what philosophy means, right? Basically, philosophy means your way of understanding life.

In Chapter 1, the naive Lily understood her world as whites and blacks being able to live together, but blacks were inferior to the whites and should be separated either in terms of entry into public toilets, enrollment in schools and involvement in churches. She accepted this ideology as her way of living or life philosophy.

However, Lily’s philosophy in chapter 1 does not go in tandem with my way of looking at life. I see and hope to continue seeing people of different races, religions and skin colors live well together without discrimination. My only reason for this is that I object to any kind of violence, either mentally or physically. Mental violence, or bullying could be in terms of brainwashing white children's minds that they are not at fault in any fights they get into with a black child. The same goes to brainwashing black children's minds that they're not meant for success and education. Physical violence refers to abusing someone else's body parts such as hitting and burning the skin.

I thought that, by having the courage to stay with my philosophy of living in peace, everyone else would sooner or later understand why it's important to not have discrimination when you're living in a society.

With love,


  1. I think everyone wants peace in this world. It's just that their idea of 'peace' differs and that makes it difficult for everyone to live in harmony. Sometimes all we need is to just understand each other and accept the differences in life.. Just my two cents ;)

  2. Thanks for the two cents :D
    When I think about it, differences did teach me to tolerate and be tolerable.
