Saturday 1 October 2016


Hello, friends! Today, I'm going to talk about memory. Let me ask you some questions. Do you remember what cartoon that you watch when you were five? Do you remember what was your birthday present when you were three? Do you remember when was your first time swimming in a pool? Are you able to answer all the questions that I ask? Even I can't answer any of the questions above. I have no idea when I start to remember things that happen in my life. Most of my childhood memories were told by my parents. Like for example, they said I was a quiet person back when I was a kid which I didn't really believe it as I think I'm quite loud now. Hahaha. And then, they said the movies that I kept repeating watch when I was four were 'Dinasour' , 'The Lion King' and 'Toy Story'. Okay, now I feel like I miss my childhood. Who doesn't right? 

I was so cute when I was a baby! :p

How happy I was back then.
OMG!!!! :D

However, I sympathize for those who experienced a bad childhood. I just don't get it why would some people ruin someone's childhood? For instance, Lily in The Secret Life Of Bees would have been a good girl without any self conflict if her abusive father, T. Ray didn't say anything about her mother's death to her. For me, even if she did kill her own mother, the incident should be kept as a secret forever and just shower her with love. She was just four at that time. T. Ray should just say that her mother died because of car crash or something. Who wouldn't be hurt if you know that you kill your own mother when you were a kid? 

Hello, chill man! It is just a novel. Hahaha. Hmm. Now, I'm going to continue sharing my childhood memories. I think we all have capacity to remember events that happened in our life when we are about five. Yet, the memories are faded. I start remembering things clearly when I was 10. But, still yours can be different than mine. You know what I don't remember anyone from my kindergarten and even some of the teachers. I feel so bad sometimes because some of my friends do remember me. For my kindergarten's friends, I  would like to seek for forgiveness as I don't remember anyone of you and I hope you guys are doing just fine in life.

It seems like this is the end of my writing. I hope I can write more as we can get to know each other better. Whatever it is, appreciate your memories. I'm gonna end this with a song from Ed Sheeran:

We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
Times forever frozen still


  1. Well, like you said, you started to remember clearly after the age of 10. IF there is someone you do not like or HATE but have good memories with them, would you just let them go or literally forget everything about them including the good memories?

  2. usually, i dont let good memory go. btw, im assumming that you mean that i hated/dislike that person after we created the memory. furthermore, im not that kind of guy that will hate someone for a long time. im such a nice man you know. im always have this kind of mindset that if i hate someone then, someone will hate me back. but most of the times, i just dislike someone and when i dislike someone i tend to ignore them. yet, they can still talk to me or deal with me if there is any task that we have to do together. this is all about being professional, ayizz. back to the question, memories are memories as far i want to delete them if it is a good one for me, the memories will always stay in me forever.

  3. You said that you think it's better if Lily never knew about her killing her mother. But I don't think it's fair for Lily, I mean she has the right to know what actually happened. It's just that maybe T-Ray should've treated her in a better way. Anyway, even if T-Ray lied to her, she'll know the truth sooner or later.

    1. yeah but still i dont think she should know about this as early as fourteen years old. but all and all, T-Ray should be blamed for everything.

  4. Unfortunately, in reality people do face unpleasant experiences even at a young age. Lily is one of those people.. It's sad but true. Only thing we can try to do is learn from the bad experiences and hope it turns us into a resilient person..
    Love the ending of your post (and love Ed Sheeran too),.. indeed pictures capture those moments we might have forgotten. It's ok if you didn't remember your childhood. I'm assuming you had a good one judging from the photos ;)
