Saturday 1 October 2016


I’m sure we all have experience a lot of family issues. In the secret life of bees which is one of the novel I read recently, there have been a lot of conflicts in the family up to a point where Lily which is the main character decided to run away from his evil, non-loving father (That’s how I see him as). Lily hated his father for not treating her well. She doesn’t even call him ‘dad’ can you imagine that? Lily’s hatred had led her to run away from home without thinking of the consequences.

Now, I’m pretty sure you have been in this situation before in which you were so angry up to a point that you wanted to leave. Don’t lie to me hahaha. I still remember when I tried to run away from home. As a kid and even now, I hate losing hahahaha. Not sure why but maybe it’s because of my name ‘Zafry’ as it means ‘’Victory’’ in Arabic. On that day, I remember my brother making fun of me after losing in a game. On the same day, I had an argument with my mom. I can’t remember much of what we argued or maybe she was siding with my brother, but I remember that I was similar to a kettle boiling extremely hot hahaha that’s how mad I was. I remember telling my mom that nobody loves me hahaha. Then, I locked myself in the room and began throwing in clothes inside my bag. As soon as I got out of my room my mom told me “You leaving, where are you heading to?’’ Then, I question myself hahaha thinking of an answer. I went back to my room and locked myself again until my dad comes home and calm me down. kids, ''Don't try this at home.'' hahaha

Now that I think about it a kid with no money trying to leave the house hahahaha how funny is that. I realized that when a kid or even now, when people are mad, they don’t think before they do things. They tend to react irrationally. They don’t plan on what they are going to do next which is similar to Lily when Rosaleen asked her what’s her plan after saving her. My advice to my fellow readers is that when you are angry, try to calm yourself down and think about the situation. If it is your fault, apologize, if it is their fault leave it or handle it positively. Don’t ever ever blame others for your mistakes and DON’T EVER ADD FUEL TO THE FIRE. 

-Peace :)


  1. i feel you man, but i never really pack my bag to leave my house. hhahah. i think it is just the middle child syndrome like what fatini keep mentioning about.

  2. Zafreeeeeee, I'm glad you didn't leave your house.. if not we wouldn't have met in KMB.. ;) Anyway for me,
    home is where the heart is or where it should be. For me, home is where you get unconditional love. Home is where my parents are :) Of course there will always be tough times but running away is never a good solution.. I pray for all lost souls out there to always have a home to come back to.. Maybe Lily didn't feel at `home' with T-Ray. Maybe to her, home was where her mother was.. And maybe, running away for her was good since she found a home in the pink house.. :)

    1. I agree teacher but at the end of the book/novel, i was wondering what would happen if T-Ray had brought her home, will she still be 'tortured' or will T-Ray have a change in personality. I'm just curious hahahaha.
