Friday 28 October 2016


Hello guys! How are you? I'm here alone in McD pondering about my life. I was supposed to go back home to Ipoh this weekend but unfortunately all tickets were sold out. T.T hahahaha! Sokayy, there must be a reason behind this. So, today might be the last time I update this blog. T.T (I don't cry for real okay) Basically, I'm gonna conclude everything about The Secret Life Of Bees that I've studied throughout this two weeks. There are a lot of things I wanna say about this novel. I just donno how to put it into words.

However, I'm still gonna summarise my experiences of learning this novel. Personally, I think that my personality have been influenced by Lily a bit. What I mean here is that I feel like I've enhanced my confidence level and improved my bravery. Seriously, if a 14 years old girl can do a lot of things in her life, why I can't? Other than that, I learn that determination plays a crucial role in our life. This is because the difference between the impossible and possible lies in a person's determination. Determination will get us through everything - in fighting for our rights, in searching for truth

For me, the most enjoyable part of reading the novel is getting to know a lot more about bees. This novel describe the best about bees' life. Who knows they can do this do that and create purple honey? I don't know that. If you wanna know who is my favourite character, I would say May Boatwright. I just love her. Honestly, I'm kinda a sad person (I believe so), but I always channel my sadness through RnB and Soul music. Lol. Don't judge my music preferences.

100% I will recommend this book to anyone. The novel itself is so mind opening and make us think about the world not only in our place but also in other places. It is so sad that even though we are already in the modern era, racism and prejudism still occur on Earth between different religions. ethnics and etc. Somehow this novel is interesting and entertaining yet opening our eyes to the world. To anyone who doesn't get the opportunity to read this novel, I will suggest you guys to do so. If you don't have the book, I don't mind to lend mine to you guys. We just need to spread love, give love and share love.

I think that's all for me. If you guys have any enquiries you can just comment below. Have a nice week. <3

I'm sorry, I just miss my friends!

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