Friday 28 October 2016

The Secret Life of Bees, a must read!

Hi! How are you guys doing? I hope you are doing fine as always. 

So today, I would like to give a bit reflection on the novel, The Secret Life of Bees. Overall, the novel is a powerful novel and it provides many lessons to be learned. I like the fact that the main character, Lily Owen were so strong even when she was facing negative things in her life at the age of fourteen. I found the story to be quite educational as some ideas were discussed in the novel, for instance, racism and prejudice. Throughout the story, we could see that many racism issues were raised by Sue Monk Kidd. The details of the story caused me to empathize with the black people such as Rosaleen. It made me feel sad that something like this occurred in those days as it does not seem right to treat any human in such ways. Well, I have to admit that this does not only occur during the 1960s, but it also occur now.

I loved this book and feel like it really had a big impact on me as I was reading it. I felt for the characters and the tragedies they experienced along the way. This book completely exceeded my expectations. The plot line had many twists and turns that I definitely not expecting. An example of one of the twists that surprised me is when May committed suicide. I know she were having a hard time dealing with the burden of the world, but I didn't expect that she would handle the burden of Zach being jailed with a suicide. This novel has also been made into a movie, so after I finished the novel, I decided to watch the movies. Although the plot was a bit different, I enjoy both novel and movie. Overall, there weren't many things that I did not like about the novel. 

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a story about friendship, the path to finding the truth and someone who is into heavy reading as it deals with heavy issue. I hope you enjoy my reflection and do drop some comments too! :)

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