Thursday 29 September 2016

An Escape

When it comes to family issues, there's always unsatisfaction and disagreement between mum and dad and child. Like in the novel secret life of bees, where the child had the intention on running away from her home, away from her father and it is all because of the fierce father behaviour on his little daughter. Lily felt that she was being tortured and she felt hatred towards T. Ray that she wanted to get rid of him and have a clear explaination on the lost of her mother. The escape plan was never a good idea for a fourteen years old kid like her.

Lily should have consider all the colds, sleepless nights, danger and hunger, the general sense of being lost and not knowing where she's heading to and where she need to go but her emotions  before she decided to escape. Although Rosaleen, the lady who helps T. Ray to take care of Lily was there in their house every day, she still feel the lack of love from his biological father. In the same time, she felt that she's just a burden to her father that make her felt so wrong to stay in the house.

There's always some time that I felt the same as Lily, where the idea of escaping from home appears. Probably it was just an idea and was never be a real plan. At those time, I was always turns out to be sad, like really sad. Those sadness and disappointed makes me feel down and overthink. This happens every time my family and I had a big fight among each other.

 The first and recent time in my life, where I felt really down because of my broken family and I drove away from home for 12 hours. Mum and dad were fighting with each other for a few days and doesn't even care with my existence in the house. By that time, my younger brother was at my granny's and my elder brother was at his university. I felt really bad that I heard all the arguments and started to overthink. I did my best to stay calm and silent that I decided to drive away and had my own time. It was a cold night that I picked up my car keys and quietly sneak out to my car.

I don't really had a destination so I went on mindless driving with tears on my cheeks. I was hoping that my parents would realize that I was away because of them but they didn't. The next afternoon I went back home was because of my elder brother called me to. When I was home, both mum and dad was already at work and there's me alone in the house. In the end, everything was back as usual. Mum and dad are still loving each other and we stays as a family.

Although it was back to the way that it should be, the saddest part that my parents didn't ever realize that I was away because of them was unforgettable. But anyway, let bygone be bygone. I still love my parents and they are my everything, always be. Do not try this at home or anywhere. Its advisable for teens to not overthink and act recklessly. To run away from home is never a good idea and will never be a solution to your own problems.

Have fun reading!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're being positive about such an incident.. It's really not easy sometimes to do that. Writing about your feelings sometimes help you deal with things better. I do that sometimes. Usually I talk to God.. I pray. Just let it all out to him for he hears our call when we need Him.. As an adult myself I understand why couples argue and it is actually quite normal.. but all must be dealt wisely and with caution. Children can often be the victims.. Pray hard for good things.. be patient with this test. Yet, if it all becomes difficult to bear I'll lend an ear and a shoulder to cry on ok dear. XOXO
