Thursday 29 September 2016


Lily realizes she has to leave her father. What does this say about her? Write about a time you felt you needed to run away.

Do you know who is Lily? Did you read the novel with the title of The Secret life of Bees written by Sue Monk Kidd? Actually, Lily is the main character in this novel. She is a fourteen-year-old white teenager growing up in Sylvan, South Carolina. She is beaten down,abused and misused by her brutal father, T-Ray when Lily first appears. T-ray runs a peach farm where Lily has always lived, and neither he nor Lily ever forget that when Lily is in the age of four, she killed her mother while witnessing an argument between her parents. 

One day, Lily realizes that she has to leave her father, her house and also her hometown. What made she to have mind to leave her father? I think Lily want to leave her father because she want to escape from her father. This is because her father, T-Ray likes to conquer her. T-Ray doesn't give her enough love and care. Lily has always been beaten down and abused by her father,but Rosaleen which is her nanny's always encourage her and gives Lily courage.

What does this say about her? Lily is a brave fourteen-year-old white teenager girl. Why? This is because Lily can take the challenge to live in the other side of world without her family. Through her interactions with other people during the journey, Lily can gain the strength in her independence, understanding of prejudice and love connections in her life.
Besides, Lily'sense of humor helps her survive and takes her far beyond her father's lack of humanity.  

Now, let us move to another question!

When you were little, did you ever run away and did you had the time that make you felt like you need to run away? Maybe some of you had packed up your backpack and made it down the driveway or around the corner to your friend's backyard. But after a little while, you forgot why you were running away and it was getting dark out, so you want back to your home.

I don't have any experience about running away from my house but... I had the time that make me felt like I need to run away from everything. 

Do you want to hear about my story? This just happened about one years ago after I finished my SPM examination. 

When I was seventeen years old, I was on the rebellious stage. I didn't like to share anything with my parents. I didn't like to talk to them and always focus on my smartphone and laptop. I hate to come out from my room because for me, my room is always my comfort zone. Do you agree with what I said? YES, maybe someone of you don't feel what I felt. But if you're in my shoes, you will know and understand me more. 

I don't know why I just felt like I'm not belong to my family on that time. I don't talk to any of my family because I thought that all of them HATE me a lot and of course I will hate them too. Am I too childish in this kind to situation? Maybe. I just felt that nobody wanted and tried to understand and close to me. I HATE THAT STUPID FEELING. I cried almost every night and though about how basically none of my family wanted me to be born. Since that claim came to my mind, I always dream about the same thing every night. In my dream, my sister wished for me to never be born and my parents don't want me at all. All of this made me felt like I don't fit in with my family. 

One day, I had a big fight with my family. I was argue about what am I felt on that time and why I turned into a monster or maybe a cute monster?  After the argument, I didn't have any mood to talk to them. I closed my heart and my mind to not listen to anything that they try to explain for cool down the situation. I'm so stubborn. Am I??? On that time, my mind told me to run away from everything so that I can feel relax and no load at all. I told my best friend about my feeling. She just told me that, "Sometimes you need to follow your heart and not your mind.", and I still remember this sentence. THIS SENTENCE CHANGE MY LIFE.

After a week from that fight, I was started to feel regret and recall what was I just said during that fight. I knew that I already break my parents' heart. I lowered down my ego and said sorry to them. Then, everything turn to normal! There is no fight and the house is full of love and laugh. 

Actually I learned so many things from this experience and one of them is DON'T allow your ego and emotion to conquer your life. Why? Because ego and emotions can turn you into the one that you don't want to be. Then, you will hate yourself because you already did someone that you love a lot hurt. Besides, try to share yours problems with family. Maybe they can help you to settle your problems. 

Look like this is the last paragraph that I will share with you all for today. The last word that I will write in this blog for today is especially to my beloved mother and daddy that I hurt a lot. SORRY AND I LOVE YOU <3

Written by the heart breaker.  


  1. Dearest Bee, I do hope you're no longer rebellious. ;) I hope you're talking to your parents and not being cooped up in your room. I was a teenager once too and I think it's normal to feel left out. But I always was forgiving and accepted things even though deep down I felt hurt. Eventually as I grew up and matured I became more confident in me and don't feel so `left out'.. haha.. So I think you'll be fine. Love your parents fiercely while they're still around! Call them now ;)
