Wednesday 21 September 2016

Are you ready?

Since we started the `appreciation literature' week I felt it was fitting for us to have an outlet to appreciate things more and express ourselves - or yourselves, more like it. So, this blog was born! :)Basically we're gonna try using this as your way to submit 1) assignments on The Secret Life of Bees and maybe some 2) homework. This blog is accessible to everyone in your class so please feel free to start writing here.
Here's how it will work. I will assign a task for you to do in groups and/or individually.  You complete the task(s) by posting it here in the blog. The teacher, me, and your classmates can comment on the posts sent by everyone or anyone, via intellectual and useful comments or constructive criticism (to learn from it) or add on additional useful info where necessary (eg. a link, a picture, etc). Jokes or playful comments are not encouraged but if used, should be kept to a very minimum amount if you really can't help yourself. By the end of our 3 weeks studying the novel I hope this blog will help assist your understanding of the story and of course give you a lot of practice in writing (typing!) and indirectly communicating with each other..

The best part is that your entries in this blog will contribute to 5% of your assignment marks this semester so make sure you get with the project! ;)

 Are you all ready?

ps/ suggestions to help manage this blog is highly recommended :D

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