Tuesday 27 September 2016

The Geography Of The Secret Life Of Bees


Hye, peeps! Today, I'm gonna share a little bit about South Carolina which is the place where Lily experience everything in The Secret Life Of Bees. You know what friends, there are so many places you can explore if you go to South Carolina. How I wish I'm in plane right now and flying to SC. Hahaha. I just love how SC is such a beautiful and tranquil destination to go. If I ever get a chance to step my foot in SC, I'll pay the locals to bring me to every inches of SC. I'm not gonna waste my time there especially when you've read The Secret Life Of Bees. I really wanna try the pure honey and not to forget the PURPLE honey in SC. I'm gonna go plucking the peaches from the tree. ARGHH!! I really want to go to SOUTH CAROLINA. Someone, please bring me there! LOL. I sound so desperate. By the way, here are some places you can go in SC:

              Myrtle Beach
Riverbanks Zoo and Garden

           Caesars Head State Park
                   South Carolina Plantation
       Hilton Head Island


Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson

Who knows the seventh President of the United States was from South Carolina? Wow! I'm so amazed and astonished.

Anna Camp

Anna Camp

Who doesn't know Anna Camp? You can be considered as lame if you don't know her. lol. She is known for her role as Aubrey Posen in Pitch Perfect and I'm very sure all of you've watched Pitch Perfect before. This beautiful actress from Aiken, South Carolina is also known as Sarah Newlin in True Blood, and her recurring roles in Mad Men, The Good Wife and The Mindy Project. 

James Brown

James Brown

The baby boomers will get excited if we mention James Brown like us hear someone mentions Justin Bieber. But still, I know him and I'm very sure I'm the only one in my generation who knows him. Hello, peeps? James Brown is the freaking  "Godfather of Soul". If you give a shot to listen to James Brown, I'll suggest It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World. I'll guarantee you the song will never get out of your head.


  1. Hello.
    I've taken up your suggestion to hear James Brown, and I agree that he definitely has a golden voice :) I hope I won't hear you singing it anytime soon haha

    1. exactly! the lyrics are just too meaningful. lol. sorry nadya, im just gonna be me. my voice will make you love me more. :p

    2. Sure, sure.
      I sapot if you want to join Akademi Fantasia!

    3. LOL... Have you tried listening to The Supremes?

    4. yeah, i know a few songs...

  2. Hello Aminin if there's such thing as purple honey, is there any other colors apart from purple and yellowish. I am curious because there are many different types of flowers and they vary in colors and will there be a difference in taste between the purple honey?

    1. Hey Jepry!
      Eventhough I think this question should be asked to Bee but I'm going to answer it anywhere. There are actually many types of honey depends on floral source. As a general rule, light-colored honey is milder in taste and dark-colored honey is stronger and these are a few types of honey that exist in the world:(I hope you read all of it)

      Alfalfa honey, produced extensively throughout Canada and the United States from the purple blossoms, is light in color with a pleasingly mild flavor and aroma.

      Avocado honey is gathered from California avocado blossoms. Avocado honey is dark in color, with a rich, buttery taste.

      Taken from the tiny white flowers of the blueberry bush, the nectar makes a honey which is typically light amber in color and with a full, well-rounded flavor. Blueberry honey is produced in New England and in Michigan.

      Buckwheat honey is dark and full-bodied. It is produced in Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as well as in eastern Canada. Buckwheat honey has been found to contain more antioxidant compounds than some lighter honeys.

      Clover honey has a pleasing, mild taste. Clovers contribute more to honey production in the United States than any other group of plants. Red clover, Alsike clover and the white and yellow sweet clovers are most important for honey production. Depending on the location and type of source clover, clover honey varies in color from water white to light amber to amber.

      Eucalyptus honey comes from one of the larger plant genera, containing over 500 distinct species and many hybrids. As may be expected with a diverse group of plants, eucalyptus honey varies greatly in color and flavor but tends to be a stronger flavored honey with a slight medicinal scent. It is produced in California.

      Fireweed honey is light in color and comes from a perennial herb that creates wonderful bee pasture in the Northern and Pacific states and Canada. Fireweed grows in the open woods, reaching a height of three to five feet and spikes attractive pinkish flowers.

      Orange blossom honey, often a combination of citrus sources, is usually light in color and mild in flavor with a fresh scent and light citrus taste. Orange blossom honey is produced in Florida, Southern California and parts of Texas.

      Sage honey, primarily produced in California, is light in color, heavy bodied and has a mild but delightful flavor. It is extremely slow to granulate, making it a favorite among honey packers for blending with other honeys to slow down granulation.

      Tupelo honey is a premium honey produced in northwest Florida. It is heavy bodied and is usually light golden amber with a greenish cast and has a mild, distinctive taste. Because of the high fructose content in Tupelo honey, it granulates very slowly.

      Wildflower honey is often used to describe honey from miscellaneous and undefined flower sources.

      While different types of honey are available, most honey, especially honey supplied in bulk, is blended to create a unique and consistent taste and color.

  3. 👋
    After I read this blog, I can conclude that the writer has a lot of informations and knowledge about the places that she want to make it as a setting. But there is still some places that I can find in the novel is not in the country that the writer mentioned.

    1. hello, bee!! creating a fictional places in a novel is fine. maybe, by doing this, she can add some new elements of the places without being restricted because of the existing places.
