Tuesday 27 September 2016

Clothings, Foods, Music and Traditions


Couple reading Bible in church

Black Women

Did you know, black women wear hats to church? I was very curious when i saw many black people wearing formal hats to church it turns out that this is one of their long lived tradition and it symbolizes a lot of things! how cool is that? You know what's even cooler? they believe that this fancy hats could catch god's eyes and they hope that He will listen to their prayers. 

White women

What about white women, do they wear similar clothes like the blacks in 1960s? As a matter of fact, they still wear their boring and classic 50s full skirt and sheath dresses. booooo. I'm pretty sure you know who John F. Kennedy is, but have you heard of his wife Jackie Kennedy? In the 1960s white women idolizes her for her fashion and i can see why. In 1960s a lot of people love wearing heels whereas she wears her low heels shoes. Her dresses is also well fitted and simple.

Image result for southern white men fashion 1960

White men

Similar to women, white men's wore the same thing in the 60s as they did in the 50s boooo. The only changes that they had was their pants got tighter and a lot of them began to wear sweaters and scarfs. For casuals, they wear polo shirt was one of their main clothing at that time.

Black men

Black men on the other hand wore a simple t-shirt as their casual clothes ''wooo classic'' haha. For those who can afford a blazers, they will wear it. You can see how they dressed up based on the image on the right. The picture was taken during the civil right movements in 1960s. They look cool here. B)


Soul food

Image result for soul food

I know a lot of you guys love foods, just talking about food makes them appear in front of you. Have you ever heard of soul food? It is one of the most famous dishes in the Souths now! Look at the picture, are you craving for it right now? I am sure you are wondering why it is called ''Soul'' food. In the 1960s, the word ''soul'' is use to describe black's culture in this case we have Soul food! What's even more interesting is that you can find at least one soul food in an African american community. Nowadays Soul food has spread everywhere through many different places in America which gives you more opportunity to taste soul food. However


Have you ever wondered what Lily and Rosaleen listened to when they turn the radio on? I know I do. I’m very sure boy bands haven’t been introduced yet back then lol. And although I’m not very keen on the idea of not having a group of cute guys with dreamy voices and synchronized dancing to fangirl over, I’d like to imagine that Lily might have a favourite song. One she dances along to when it comes on the radio. Maybe even Rosaleen danced to it a little.
Let’s explore the possibilities, shall we? Let's get to know a bit about what genres of music they listened to back in the 1960's and how music was expressed by both the whites and the coloured.

                       Roots Rock and Hard Rock

Have you guys ever heard of rock and roll? Of course you have! Well, roots rock actually emerged in the mid to late 1960's as a combination of several genres of music that were popular at the time; folk music, blues, country, you name it!

Bob Dylan, a very famous musician, is thought to be the FIRST EVER PERSON to explore this type of music with his album Blond on Blonde. Other bands that created music in the style of this genre included The Rolling Stones, The Doors, The Beatles, The Band, and Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Not long after this, roots rock eventually evolved to other genres of rock and roll like Surf Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Folk Rock and Protest Music.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you can’t relate to this genre because well, we didn’t even exist yet back in those days. But I’m pretty sure our Mums would recognize a few of these bands. I can’t wait to ask her later!

Now, all this might sound very mundane. But the history of African American music is anything but that. In fact, this style of music was frequently associated with the Southern Civil Rights Movement. ‘How’, you may ask? Surely, they couldn’t have simply sung their way to equality now could they?

Motown and R&B

The "Motown Sound", a very famous record company back then and popular R&B music played a huge significance in the Civil Rights movement and integration in American society during the sixties.

Bear in mind that this was the time when it was a taboo to speak to African Americans besides when giving orders. They were THAT low.

Motown records consisted mainly of African-American singers, songwriters and management. Their musical AND business success proved that knocking down the barriers of segregation was indeed achievable.

It also granted African-American performers a chance to redeem much of the success credited to WHITE rock 'n' rollers and pop artists who had success in singing "black music" during the previous decade.

Three of the most influential groups to come out of the Motown sound were The Supremes, Aretha Franklin, and The Drifters.


  Only a few pictures managed to capture the PASSION and PUPOSEFULNESS of the Southern Civil Rights Movement as powerfully as the freedom songs that were both played and sung during the campaign against racial injustice.

Wherever and whenever they were sung, freedom songs would always remind them of one thing; the urgency of the struggle towards freedom.


In the Secret Life of Bees, Rosaleen was arrested for pouring snuff juice on Shoe and his friends after they provoked her. Shoe wouldn’t rest until Rosaleen gave him an apology, something she wasn’t very generous at.

Shoe and his friends waited in front of jail before Rosaleen and Lily even showed up, and as a sign of protest, he smashed a flashlight into Rosaleen’s forehead, right in front of the police officer. While Rosaleen tried to get up on her feet, head bleeding trails of blood, Shoe and his friends got away scot-free.

I don’t know about you but that wasn’t justice to me. Have you ever wondered why the people of Sylvan were so hostile towards blacks?

When the new civil rights movement was first introduced, which was about the same time as Rosaleen’s scene happened, some whites embraced the prospect of a new interracial land. Many more reacted with hostility, as they feared the social change that was bound to happen.

Their way of life was commonly known as the “Southern way of life” and was already racist to begin with. For instances,
  • Blacks always addressed whites as “Mr.” or “Mrs.,” though whites rarely bestowed such courtesy titles on African Americans.
  • Blacks worked for white families as nannies, cooks, maids, and yardmen.

Through the long years of slavery and segregation, white Southerners came up with cruel stereotypes about African Americans:
  • Blacks became either clowns or savages, with no area in between.
  • They were unclean, unintelligent and oversexed.
  • If blacks were submissive and uncivilised, whites were strong and dignified.
  • Blackness meant degradation; to be free was to be white.

 All this happened for so long that many white Southerners came to believe that African Americans have accepted their roles as second-class citizens.

While the civil rights movement made its breakthrough in the South during the 1950s and 1960s, it exposed the ugly truth of the matter. African Americans were finally able to voice out their discontentment.

The finally demanded dignity.

Black rebellions clash so sharply with white perceptions that many couldn’t believe their own eyes. And as activists led a mass movement for black equality, whites rose up in resistance. 


  1. Hi Freee! Well, the blacks definitely found something to strengthen their cause for freedom. I just hope more people would appreciate music than social equality :)

  2. hey tini and zafry, according to your post the black usually express their emotions, feelings and spirits through soul or RnB songs but nowadays most of the blacks express their emotions through rap and stuff like that. What is your opinion on this?

    1. In my opinion, some people think that music is the only medium that they can express themselves without using words even. For example June, she plays the cello to express herself without words. During that time, i think that the blacks has been through a lot, from slavery to segregation. They uses music as a way to express themselves that's why we have a lot of genres when it comes to black's music (blues, rap, etc.)

  3. Hey there, Nadya!
    Yeahp, that makes two of us :)

    Hi Aminin!
    I think there's nothing wrong with using rap as a medium of expression. Perhaps the African Americans perceive this as a more effective way of expressing feelings of anger, sorrow and what not. Their preferences may have also evolved as time passes. At the end of the day, I guess it all depends on how much we all appreciate the song and the message within the lyrics.
    But hey, maybe Zafry has a different point of view, so let's just see what he has to say, yeah?

  4. Hi Fatini and Zafry! On Lily's birthday, Rosaleen brought an angel food cake for Lily. I was wondering if angel food cake is one of the soul food. And, I would be happy if you guys can elaborate more on soul food :)

    1. The angel cake is not a soul food as a matter of fact it is a dessert. Soul food is not a dessert and it is more towards a heavy meal like a dinner. They usually contain a meat (any types of meat), like i mention in class, they uses any leftover meats during slavery. The most common type of soul food nowadays uses chicken and veges as their side dishes. I'm not saying that soul food doesnt have dessert, they actually do haha if you're interested in it check out the skillet cornbread. :) -zafreeeee

  5. I think that people nowadays are more outspoken and liberal in terms of fighting for equal rights and stuff. And I believe that that has contributed to our development, and also civilisation. Do you think that the discrimination that happened back in the old days was one of the signs that they weren't civilised yet at that time? Or not?

  6. There's a question on angel cake guys.. Please answer :) Anyway, love everyones comments :)
    Aisyah - i think the answer is yes.. society has evolved over time and become more civilised with time.. but then again,sadly in this era some people still need to be taught how to be civilized..
