Wednesday 9 November 2016

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall;
Who's my favourite of them all?

Mistress, mistress oh so dear;
Might be Lily,
Oh no! She's here!

Hi readers :) That was a short poem I wrote, just to spice things up, since we're already concluding our study of the novel. Now you can guess who my favourite character is!

I thought that the bees' story where one bee was trapped by Lily in a jar is a direct interpretation of Lily herself, stuck in a growth phase where she doesn't have the freedom to develop as a teenager or as a person. However, I admired her determination (a word commonly used here) to get out of her life shack and went on a search (or an adventure, as I prefer it) for her mother's background.

One more thing, I personally looove Zach and Lily! I'm not saying they're a perfect couple, but it touched my heart when Lily admitted that she was crying a river not because she doesn't want to throw flowers or write about trees, but she was actually tearing up because she realised how much her heart flutters and breaks for Zach, the one black boy she couldn't have at the time.

Before I forget, an excerpt from T-Ray's own feelings, from his own POV would give the valuable novel an extra added value. Because to me, fathers have their own unique way of showing love and each person, having experienced different traumas might have different perceptions on how to show love to a daughter.

I'm sorry for sending in late!

*** NADYA ***

Sunday 30 October 2016

The Last Buzz :(

Hello there :) how was your weekendd? mine was great! good news. Now for the bad news is that this could be my last blog entry for this novel, the secret life of bees. For this last blog entry, I will give my own opinion on the book itself and also some of the things that i have learned.

Image result for the secret life of bees
So first of all, i really enjoy books that relates to history and somehow has a bit of relationship towards it but not too CHEESY (Lily & Zach) and also don't forget conflicts. I am a very picky person and doeskin like reading books but this book fulfill my needs (it got me). I have to bow down to Sue Monk Kid who did a great job at creating this novel. There are things that i don't really enjoy or i'd rather say didn't really need to be there such as the part when they made the honey and stuff about bees but then again, the author is meant to relate the bees to Lily and we get to learn stuff about bees so i don't really mind.

The thing i love about history is that the conflict between two sides such as communism & capitalism, and in this case, the blacks and the whites. I love seeing things in another perspective and compare it, for instance, how did the whites felt when they treated the blacks badly and how did the black felt when they were treated badly. Based on the novel, I learn how the blacks was treated especially to Rosaleen, and how unfair it was for the blacks. As a white girl, Lily also had a change in perspective towards the blacks. (shoutout to Lily :D) 

Throughout reading this novel, i had moments when i felt like ''Wow did that just happen?'' and ''OMG just tell her already! stop making me waitttt, i want to know the truthh tooo'' which is great. I think that we can all agree that Sue Monk Kid did a great job at making us curious and wanting to know more.

I would definitely recommend this novel to others especially to those who really love twist and turns or conflicts. I already recommend this book to a friend and he said so far so good. There you have i folks, my review on The Secret Life of Bees, i hope you take my ADVICE and READ THE BOOK! and as always peace out  - Zafry :D

Saturday 29 October 2016

Buzz Buzz Buzz

Holla! Hey guys, how's your life going? 
So yeah, every start will meet an end and this gonna be my last post on this blog and it is my reflection towards the novel the Secret Life of Bees, do enjoy reading it! 

Overall, the novel is just great. Lily is my forte. Her bravery and her maturity attracts me the most. I learnt that through life, it is yourself who decide to stay under the cave or to go out and see the sun. Do you get what I mean? It means that it is yourself to decide which path in life do you choose, either to have the negativity around you or get over it with the positivity. However, you must still have a strong belief in yourself in order to make a decision. Somehow Lily's situation is similar to mine where I was left too by my own mother and have to live with a fierce father. But nah, I survive. I know how hard it is to be in the situation where you really need the love from your mother but she isn't there for you. So for a 14 years old girl like Lily, it was such a big challenge to face it. Sue Monk Kidd really did a good job to portrays the strength of one could be even though life is being unfair. The part that I dislike and kinda hate is where there are gaps between the whites and the blacks. It is so unfair to have that stereotypical minded as we all are the same species. The skin color shouldn't be an issue.

Another best thing is that I get to know how bees lives. All this while, I've been hating that tiny little creature but the novel somehow brighten me up that these creatures are actually working hard in producing honey that gives a lot of benefits to humans. How important is the queen in the hives and purple honey do exist.

It sounds interesting, does it? So yeah I would recommend this book to others. It is good to widen your view and to motivate yourself when things goes wrong. Not forget to mention that this book would have change your perception towards so many things. So do read it!

I think that’s all from me.  Do leave your comment below.

Appreciate every single thing around you and live your life to the fullest!


Friday 28 October 2016

Ponders of the Bee

Buzz buzz... Hello there! How has your week been? I'm glad to say that I'm grateful that this week was a bit relaxing than usual. Well anyway, this might be my last blog entry for The Secret Life Of Bees (cries a river T_T hahahaha). So I thought of giving a brief summary and reflection on the novel :)

To be honest, I started reading the novel a bit late than my classmates but I still managed to finish reading it! And I don't regret it AT ALL! What I like most about the novel is the beauty of the writing style. I think Sue Monk Kidd did a very great job in portraying her messages in the novel. The language that she used plus the analogies (the connection between bees and Lily's life) is what makes the novel special to me. Like I didn't expect the storyline to be as such by looking at the title of the novel. So I guess the indirectness in the novel that she used is what caught my attention the most.

Besides, through this novel I've learnt A LOT of new stuff, For instance, how bees work, how life was when there was discrimination towards the blacks, and also about the religion that the Boatwright sisters practiced. I guess that I also empathised the troubles that Lily faced throughout her life yet I admire her courage and spirit. Lily is such a driven and strong girl and I think she's my favourite character besides August (I don't know which one to pick so I'll just choose both hehe). And I could also imagine the pain that the blacks felt being discriminated for how they were born. It's just so sad!

However, I don't really like the way Lily dealt with herself after knowing the truth about her mother and all that. Well, I don't think it's fair for her to judge her mother in such a harsh way. And also I disliked T-Ray from the start of the novel for being such a mean father. However, I think that those were what gave a greater impact on the novel hehe.

So guys, what are you waiting for? Go give this novel a read as I totally recommend it for you! (I'm rating it 5 stars!!!).  I hope that my reflection would somehow make you want to read it even more. I guess after this I'm going to watch the movie - despite Aminin always complaining about it haha. So, I hope that you'll have a great weekend. Till we meet again! (or not :p)

The Secret Life of Bees, a must read!

Hi! How are you guys doing? I hope you are doing fine as always. 

So today, I would like to give a bit reflection on the novel, The Secret Life of Bees. Overall, the novel is a powerful novel and it provides many lessons to be learned. I like the fact that the main character, Lily Owen were so strong even when she was facing negative things in her life at the age of fourteen. I found the story to be quite educational as some ideas were discussed in the novel, for instance, racism and prejudice. Throughout the story, we could see that many racism issues were raised by Sue Monk Kidd. The details of the story caused me to empathize with the black people such as Rosaleen. It made me feel sad that something like this occurred in those days as it does not seem right to treat any human in such ways. Well, I have to admit that this does not only occur during the 1960s, but it also occur now.

I loved this book and feel like it really had a big impact on me as I was reading it. I felt for the characters and the tragedies they experienced along the way. This book completely exceeded my expectations. The plot line had many twists and turns that I definitely not expecting. An example of one of the twists that surprised me is when May committed suicide. I know she were having a hard time dealing with the burden of the world, but I didn't expect that she would handle the burden of Zach being jailed with a suicide. This novel has also been made into a movie, so after I finished the novel, I decided to watch the movies. Although the plot was a bit different, I enjoy both novel and movie. Overall, there weren't many things that I did not like about the novel. 

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a story about friendship, the path to finding the truth and someone who is into heavy reading as it deals with heavy issue. I hope you enjoy my reflection and do drop some comments too! :)


Hello guys! How are you? I'm here alone in McD pondering about my life. I was supposed to go back home to Ipoh this weekend but unfortunately all tickets were sold out. T.T hahahaha! Sokayy, there must be a reason behind this. So, today might be the last time I update this blog. T.T (I don't cry for real okay) Basically, I'm gonna conclude everything about The Secret Life Of Bees that I've studied throughout this two weeks. There are a lot of things I wanna say about this novel. I just donno how to put it into words.

However, I'm still gonna summarise my experiences of learning this novel. Personally, I think that my personality have been influenced by Lily a bit. What I mean here is that I feel like I've enhanced my confidence level and improved my bravery. Seriously, if a 14 years old girl can do a lot of things in her life, why I can't? Other than that, I learn that determination plays a crucial role in our life. This is because the difference between the impossible and possible lies in a person's determination. Determination will get us through everything - in fighting for our rights, in searching for truth

For me, the most enjoyable part of reading the novel is getting to know a lot more about bees. This novel describe the best about bees' life. Who knows they can do this do that and create purple honey? I don't know that. If you wanna know who is my favourite character, I would say May Boatwright. I just love her. Honestly, I'm kinda a sad person (I believe so), but I always channel my sadness through RnB and Soul music. Lol. Don't judge my music preferences.

100% I will recommend this book to anyone. The novel itself is so mind opening and make us think about the world not only in our place but also in other places. It is so sad that even though we are already in the modern era, racism and prejudism still occur on Earth between different religions. ethnics and etc. Somehow this novel is interesting and entertaining yet opening our eyes to the world. To anyone who doesn't get the opportunity to read this novel, I will suggest you guys to do so. If you don't have the book, I don't mind to lend mine to you guys. We just need to spread love, give love and share love.

I think that's all for me. If you guys have any enquiries you can just comment below. Have a nice week. <3

I'm sorry, I just miss my friends!

Thursday 27 October 2016

The Secret Life of BEES

                                        Falling in Love with The Secret Life of Bees <3

Actually I have no word to describe or share all the beauty of this book. I know that this book was recently made into a movie but I manage to read the book first before I watch the movie. After I read this novel, I have found out that I enjoy the boon more that the movie. This is because I allow my mind to create the characters instead of seeing whomever was cast in that particular role. 

I seriously felt in love with the writer who wrote The Secret Life of Bees. Why?? Hmmmm.... Let me explain it to all of you. I am really really enjoy this novel's story line. This story of Lily is a very powerful one. Do you ever wonder about the life of a 14-years-old girl with no mother? And this happened on Lily, the main character of this novel. How can Lily knows about the life?? 

Her courage and determination in finding the truth behind her mother death are so powerful and motivating. Sometimes, I just feel like I want to run to Lily and wrap her up in a hug then tell her that everything will be okay. The images she has of her mother's last day on this world is really break my heart. I can't imagine my life without my mother! She doesn't really understand and remember the situation when her mother passed away. She also refers her dad as T-Ray instead of Daddy or Father. She can't see him as a father figure and just he is someone that always punishes her and yelling at her. Then, she run away from the house with Rosaleen. They go to Tiburon to find out the truth and she found it. In Tiburon, Lily learns so many things through experience and so on. She learns about The secret life of bees and also the information about her late mother. 

I think that Sue Monk Kidd does a very good and wonderful job of showing how segregated the whites and blacks were during this time. She teaches me so many things through this novel. Even though there is some negative info such as suicide and running away from house but the positive info is more than the negative info. She taught me to respect all the people even though we are different in religions. 


You don't believe in what I said above! 

Why don't you read this book?

I really recommend this novel to you. Then, you will know that all the statements that I said just now are all truth.

Click the below link if you want to download this novel.